International industrial startup

Make profit from the Russian breakthrough technology


Weekly report for the investors


Acordo de investimento


Venture reward

Цель проекта

O projeto "Duyunov's motors" trata-se de um projeto de investimento coletivo, com base no trabalho e desenvolvimentos do engenheiro russo D.A. Duyunov

Thanks to his technology the company is making the most efficient electric motors in the world.

The prototype models of various motors for electric transport as well as general purpose industrial motors are ready and have already been tested.

Цель проекта

Construction of the enterprise capable of:

  • Developing electric motors using Duyunov's technology
  • To manufacture own products in pilot <br>batches

market-ready product is made

Several prototypes of hub motors with the unique patented
winding system "Slavyanka" have been developed that excel all known similar motors.

Duyunov's technology has found application in various fields

Motorcycle vehicles
Electric cars

The project history and plans

Este desenvolvimento foi financiado pelo seu criador
The start of project crowdfunding

Year 1995

The research and development of the technology started 20 years ago

Year 2011

The beginning of wide practical application of combined winding motors and obtaining the first patent.

Ano de 2012

Award for the best innovative project in XI Russian Innovations Competition.

Our electric machines successfully undergo tests in various systems and areas outperforming their rivals.

Ano de 2013

Donetsk: avaliação da locomotiva elétrica "Era".

Após a modificação do motor elétrico através do uso da tecnologia Duyunov, a locomotiva "Era" suporta 11 carruagens, em vez de apenas 5.

Kiev: avaliação do desempenho de um trólei com motor modificado.

Ano de 2014

Tyumen: the modified wind power synchronous generator produced the same amount of electricity at the wind speed of 2 m/sec as the original motor at 5 m/sec.

Year 2015

Lutsk and Kiev: successful application of the technology to the electric bus motor.

Alemanha — Mónaco: o carro elétrico Renault Kangoo completamente reestruturado regista um desempenho recorde, destacando-se por entre os carros elétricos da mesma classe.

February: the start of developing the first induction hub motor in the world

June: the second prototype of the hub motor was produced. Improved motor parameters and coordinating controller operation with the support of Curtis.

Novembro: Produção do terceiro protótipo do motor de cubo de roda. Participação na exibição na Central House of Artists em Moscovo, com o apoio da Global Wave.

Testing the hub motor in Germany with the support of Elmoto.


Start of crowdfunding
Mass production of motors based on Duyunov's technology has been launched by the project partners
Renting and repairing the premises for the production sites
Purchasing the first equipment for the project needs
Preparing the package of documents for entering the special economic zone"Technopolis "Moscow"
Inauguração do laboratório e da área de testes

Year 2018

Test bench equipment for testing electric motors has been mounted
The testing area for producing the first batches of motors was equipped
The agreement with a major investor was signed about additional funding of the project if needed
Mass production of motors based on Duyunov's technology has been launched by the project partners
New patents have been obtained and the applications for more patents are filed
The agreement with the Chinese authorities of Weihai province was signed about the protection of intellectual property of Duyunov
The letter of intent was signed with the companies from Russia, China and Europe that are ready to order customized motors made using Duyunov's technology to meet their needs
The application for entering the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" was accepted


Obtaining patents
Entering the SEZ Technopolis "Moscow" ("Alabushevo" site)
Construction of the design engineering department
Producing the pilot batches of electric motors based on Duyunov's technology
Signing agreements with the customers
Start of commercial activity, completing the first orders
Mass production of motors based on Duyunov's technology has been launched by the project partners

Become a co-owner of the international
manufacturing business

What does the investor get?

Participação na empresa

Each investor becomes the co-owner of the future enterprise


Lifelong dividends at all development stages

Acordo de investimento

The rights and investments of each participant are legally secured and reinforced by the agreement

examples of venture startups

ações da google Em 1998, David Cheriton apostou em dois jovens: Sergey Brin (nosso compatriota) e Larry Page, investindo 100 000 $ na sua empresa “startup”, "Google". Atualmente, David possui um total de 1 000 000 000 $ em ações. 10 000 vezes em 16 anos

apple shares In 1976 Ron Wayne, having doubts about the success of his company, sold 10% of his shares for $800 2 weeks after founding the company. Today these shares cost over $50,000,000,000 and the company's name "Apple" is known around the world. 68,749 times in 38 years

alibaba shares Everybody knows that AliExpress is a world famous trading platform and the main rival of Ebay. And it is also the offspring of Alibaba Group. In 2013 the Company's turnout was $7.5 billion, capitalization - $266 billion. And in 2014 the company's shares were launched for IPO on New York Stock Exchange which attracted $21,800,000,000 (instead of the anticipated $1 billion). As of January 26, 2018, the Company's capitalization amounted to $500,000,000,000. 3,849,999 times in 18 years

Our team

2500+ project partners worldwide

Dmitriy Duyunov

Russian development engineer, inventor. The author of the combined winding technology "Slavyanka" for electric motors

Evgeniy Duyunov

Development engineer
of the technology

Sergey Semyonov

Head of the project
funding department

Pavel Filippov

Chefe do Departamento de Publicidade e Relações Públicas

how can you become the project investor?

1. Registar

2. Sign the agreement

3. Para investir